Listing # 20009 – Gas Station/Repair Shop (Sold October 27, 2021)

Closed 6 Bay Repair Shop w/Property for Sale

Property Information

Listing No.

20009 – Gas Station/Repair Shop (Sold October 27, 2021)




Nassau, NY

Property Size

±15,638 Sq. Ft. (.086 Acres)

Real Estate Taxes

±$14,935 per year (2020)

Property Only


  • Listing Number: 20009
  • Asking: $1,600,000
  • Offering: closed gas station property with 6 Bay Repair Shop & closed adjacent used car lot
  • Property Address: 576 Uniondale Ave, Uniondale NY 11533 (Nassau County, Town of Hempstead)
  • Section, Block & Lot: 34-282-87 & 34-281-12
  • Lot Size: ±15,638 Sq. Ft. (.086 Acres) Total
  • Property Class: commercial garage repairs, auto body, tire shop & other related repairs (433.14) & auto sales, used car lot (431.24)
  • Type: Fee
  • RE Taxes: ±$14,935 per year (2020)

BBRE (Bill Blau Real Estate) has been retained on an exclusive basis to arrange for the sale of 576 Uniondale Ave, a corner closed gas station with a 6 bay repair shop located at the corner of Uniondale Avenue and Jerusalem Avenue in Uniondale.

The subject property is a 15,638 sq. ft. gas station comprised of a 2,128 sq. ft. repair shop, and a small used car building.

Station being sold with no supply contract (Open Supply), brand it any brand and without operator/tenant. Needs tanks, pumps, etc. Station has been closed for over 5 years.

Interested in this Property

In order to see full financials and the address you must first complete the Online Confidentiality Agreement. Once we receive your completed form we will then email you the complete listings.

Listing Brokers


Please tour discretely as a customer, as all employees do not know station is for sale. Do not attempt to discuss this listing with the owner or any employees without prior approval from us. Seller requires financial statement with offer. All information has been provided by the seller and needs to be re-verified by the buyer. Bill Blau Real Estate & Bill Blau Business Broker, Inc. makes no representation to its accuracy and does not certify or make any warranties of any of the information provided and have not verified any information. It is strongly advise that you and/or your accountant review all information and do all due diligence before the closing. Information is subject to change without notice.